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By Finding Ways to Work Together
We Can Make a Difference



The Michigan Rural EMS Network (MiREMS) is an expansion of the Huron-Sanilac EMS Network. The original network, formed in 2004, was partially funded by grants from the Michigan Center for Rural Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Rural Health Policy.


The first Network members were the nine EMS services in Michigan’s Huron and Sanilac Counties. In 2008 the Network became a Michigan non-profit corporation. The success of the two county initiative led to discussions with rural EMS services and professionals from across the state regarding the need for a statewide rural EMS Network.



In the fall of 2010, a survey was sent to all Michigan EMS agencies to assess their needs and challenges. In May of 2011, the Network was awarded a three year Network Development Grant from the Office of Rural Health Policy.




A kickoff meeting was held with key state stakeholders on May 11, 2011 and the development of the Michigan Rural EMS Network was underway. In January of 2012 MiREMS received its 501c3 designation, and in October 2012 a Board of Directors representing each of the Michigan Trauma Regions was elected.




Membership is available to any individual or organization, rural or urban, with a vested interest in the provision of out of hospital care in rural areas of Michigan. As we move forward, our efforts will focus on meeting the unique challenges of EMS services and professionals that provide care in rural areas of Michigan. 


Placeholder paragraph. The Michigan Rural EMS Network (MiREMS) is an expansion of the Huron-Sanilac EMS Network. The original network, formed in 2004, was partially funded by grants from the Michigan Center for Rural Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Rural Health Policy.


Building Stronger EMS Agencies to Better Serve Michigan's Rural Communities

Anchor 1

[Video that talks about CPR of family member that was resuscitated because of initiative] 

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